News Articles

Here’s What You Need to Know for the Rest of the School Year
Apr 23, 2020Thank you all for your strength and leadership in these tough times, and for staying home and staying safe. In the midst of a crisis, Battle Creek heroes have stood up to help one another and to support the community. I know many of you have questions about what the rest of the school year will look like for your student. We hear you, and we are here to support you.

At-Home Learning Technology Pickup Information
Apr 10, 2020Because we know that not all families have computers or internet access at home, we are distributing Chromebooks to families who need them. Chromebook pickups will take place over the next two weeks starting on Monday, April 13. If you need a computer for your child, please come get one during one of the scheduled pickup windows.

At-Home Learning Plan Details: Technology Distribution, Grading, Teacher-Family Outreach and More
Apr 10, 2020As Superintendent Carter announced on Facebook Live today, BCPS has put in place a robust At-Home Learning Plan, which includes both online and offline opportunities for students to continue to learn and stay connected for the remainder of the school year.

Families: Please Update Student Contact Information
Apr 10, 2020It is important that teachers know how to get in touch with students and their families. Please take a moment this week to update your primary phone number in Skyward with the number you would like teachers and staff to use to contact your student.

BCPS Board of Education Approves Pay for Contract & Hourly District Employees During Closure
Mar 18, 2020BCPS appreciates the work and commitment of all its staff and recognizes the hardship of an unexpected and extended closure, so we are making arrangements for contract employees and hourly district employees to receive pay during this time.

Spring Into Kindergarten With BCPS
Mar 2, 2020Join us for a ”Spring into Kindergarten” event to learn more about the outstanding kindergarten offerings at BCPS.

What Battle Creek schools are doing to prepare the next generation of workers
Jan 27, 2020BCCHS Career Academies & More: What Battle Creek schools are doing to prepare the next generation of workers

Message From the Superintendent: Kicking Off Second Semester
Dec 18, 2019Superintendent Kim Carter’s New Year’s message — welcome back!

Ann J. Inspires Young Readers Through Men’s Cooking Club
Dec 14, 2019In Battle Creek Public Schools, literacy is a key focus because we believe that reading and writing build the foundation for a lifetime of learning. We are committed to helping every child grow into a successful, passionate reader.

Fall 2019 Bearcat P.R.I.D.E. Award Winners
Dec 10, 2019Join us in celebrating the fall 2019 winners of the Bearcat PRIDE Award! The six winners are staff members — nominated by their peers — who have demonstrated excellence in their work and exceptional support of our BCPS students.